Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Waiting in Response to Uncertainty

I am sitting in the midst of uncertainty. I’m continually amazed at how many people offer unsolicited advice. The most fascinating advice has been “When in doubt, do nothing.” Doing nothing only produces a greater sense of restlessness in my spirit, which leads to increased uncertainty.

Last week, as I described my lack of clarity to someone, he responded that the remedy for lack of clarity is to wait. He suggested that I think less and feel more. “Allow things to come to you,” he said, “like when as a photographer you wait for the right light, wait for something to feel right.” His suggestion felt right to me, so I have been following through. I am investigating this liminal space by being in the every day places in which I am most likely to encounter the sacred—walking by the lake, painting in my studio, making photographs outdoors, or writing in spaces that inspire me. I am waiting. Waiting for clarity, for something to feel right. And in the meantime, I know that the moments spent encountering the sacred in the every day are what keeps me feeling centered, hopeful, and at peace.

Go outside at the end of the day, about an hour before sunset. Watch the changing colors of light on the surfaces that surround you. Watch as the light changes to a warm golden color. Wonder how you could overlook this phenomenon on most days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are back! I've been checking in and waiting for your return. I love this piece. I, too often look to nature and art to find clarity and understanding. Waiting is not so bad, especially if you are "biding your time" with writing and art, nature and wonder! I hope clarity finds you soon.
